
March 1-31: Epic Big Bag Gum Sale! Save $4 on each 1000-pc bag!


Homestead Market®
A Division of Hefty Creek International, LLC

The Reason Behind It All


Homestead Market® , a Wisconsin Family Owned & Operated Small Business, brings you a collection of high-quality products from around the world that are often hard to find and that provide you with excellent choices that make sense for you. We are a family business, and as such, we search for unique products that we would want to consume ourselves. As we've become more knowledgeable about nutritious eating and healthy body care, we have added a variety of natural supplements and personal care products to address our customers’ needs. We are always on the look-out for new and unique products that promote and support good health.

During our 20-plus years in business, we have become known by many as the place to go for products containing Xylitol, which is a natural sweetener that helps to prevent cavities and plaque. It is appealing to diabetics, those with dental concerns, as well as those wanting to reduce their sugar intake. Our xylitol line is extensive and includes sugar-free toothpastes, gels & wipes, a great selection of nasal sprays, a variety of dry-mouth products, chewing gum, mints, candies and sweetening crystals.

Many of our customers find relief from canker sores and other mouth sores with xylitol-based Squigle and Tooth Builder Toothpastes, which are free of the harsh detergents, such as SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate) found in regular toothpastes. Both Squigle (with fluoride) and Tooth Builder (fluoride free) are long-time favorites and enjoy best-seller status at Homestead Market®. We are pleased to offer the fluoride-free raspberry-flavored Squigle Jr, designed for infants and toddlers and sold in a tube that is flight-friendly.

More and more people seem to struggle with dry mouths due to Sjogren’s syndrome and the side effects of prescription drugs. Our OraCoat Xylimelts oral adhering discs, Dry Mouth Gels, Moisturizing Mouth Sprays, and Dry Mouth Mints & Drops help to reduce the discomfort that comes from this very uncomfortable condition.

Building our immune systems to protect us from virulent flus and viruses has become a priority for many with the entrance of COVID 19 into our world. Products, such as our line of American Biotech Labs Silver Biotics products, as well as our supplement lines from EuroPharma Terry Naturally to Dr. Sprays Vitamin Sprays, help to reduce that worry and build the immune systems that come with these unwanted diseases.

Our product search covers the globe. A sought-after delicacy, Sap Sago Cheese, is imported from Switzerland; while the Rocky Mountain Grain Hemp Heart products come directly from Canada (no THC). Even the handy little tube squeezers that help get every last bit of toothpaste from the tube come from Israel. We have found a number of entrepreneurs from around the country who have developed specialized product lines, such as Durham's Bee Farms Canker-Rid and B-Fresh and XyliChew Xylitol Gums. We love great ideas and those who work hard to make excellent products.

Proudly, we offer some interesting product lines from our own back yard, here in Wisconsin. EuroPharma and the Terry Naturally supplement line is located in Green Bay and the colorful Homestead Market® toothbrushes we sell are manufactured in Eau Claire, WI. There's lots more - just too much to mention here.

We take pride in providing great customer service, fast shipping, and a real person to talk to on the phone. If we are unable to take your call, please do leave us a message, we will call you back the next business day! Thank you for supporting our Small Business, we appreciate you!


Why the Homestead Market® Name?

Our history began in 1848 when our ancestors came to America from Switzerland and homesteaded the farm we live on. Homestead Market® is affectionately named after our homestead farm and is located in the heart of Wisconsin cheese-producing country.

Over 150 years ago, our ancestors, immigrated to America from the mountain village of Hätzingen, in the canton of Glarus, Switzerland. The family's homestead farm started with a one-room log cabin on the banks of what is now Hefty Creek. Together they built their farm, their family, and their new lives in America. Over time, the Hefty Homestead Farm grew into a flourishing dairy operation and even earned the reputation as being one of the most progressive farms in Green County, Wisconsin. Not only were they one of the first to switch from traditional wheat farming to dairy farming, they were also one of the first to have electricity, running water, and milking machines.

Today the descendants of the original Hefty family still live on what is now Hefty-Blum Homestead Farms, which continues to be a progressive farm. Along with a high commitment to quality, the family is also committed to preservation of the environment. They have won awards for conservation, including the preservation of the banks of Hefty Creek that runs through the homestead property.

The family is also committed to historic architectural preservation, and six of the buildings located on the Homestead are listed in the National Historic Registry. One of these is the Stone Barn (see picture in the center of our logo) built in 1861. Returning to the present, Homestead Market's primary goal is to provide our customers with sensible choices for health and home, along with excellent customer service. We look forward to serving you!